Home / Press Releases / The first mine hoist produced by Uralmashplant is being installed at the Gaysky GOK
Home / Press Releases / The first mine hoist produced by Uralmashplant is being installed at the Gaysky GOK

The first mine hoist produced by Uralmashplant is being installed at the Gaysky GOK

Press Releases
The first mine hoist produced by Uralmashplant is being installed at the Gaysky GOK

Gai (Orenburg region)

At the "Operational" mine (Gaysky GOK, UMMC), the installation of a 5x8 mine winder - the first domestic mine hoisting machine manufactured by Uralmashzavod PJSC (UZTM) - has begun. Comprehensive testing of the new facility should begin in July. During 2019-2020 UZTM will supply six more mine hoisting machines to UGMK-Holding enterprises.

Uralmashzavod manufactured the first mine hoisting machine in its history in the summer of 2018, in October it was shipped to the customer - Gaysky GOK ( enterprise of the raw materials complex UMMC). Today it is the largest machine on the Russian market: the diameter of the traction sheave is 5 meters, the number of grooves on the pulley is 8. It is capable of lifting 50 tons of ore from a depth of 1300 meters per cycle. The winder is equipped with two 5.5 MW motors each, a hydraulic brake system, a hardware control system and a mine-shaft alarm.

Winder of Uralmashplant will replace the skip machine that has been used at Gaysky GOK since 1984 and has already exhausted its resource ... At the same time, the plant began work on the reconstruction of the electrical part of the cage machine TsSh 5x4, this equipment was also supplied by Uralmashzavod. The installation of lifting equipment will be the final stage in the reconstruction of the "Operational" mine, which Gaysky GOK has been conducting since 2011.

"To date, the old skip hoisting machine has been completely dismantled and everything connected with it - ropes, skips, deflection pulley, control cabinets, cables, cooling system for motors and control cabinets. About 30 percent of the electrical control and power equipment of the new machine was delivered to the pile marks. New power and signaling cables are being laid; in parallel, a filter-compensating device is being installed, electrical equipment is being installed and power transformers are being replaced. At the very top mark, where the new machine will stand, the housings of the new main shaft support bearings are installed, in which the main shaft weighing 55 tons is seated. The halves of the traction sheave, components of the drive motors, with a total weight of about 200 tons, were delivered to the mark. A new deflection pulley has been delivered and installed, "said Sergei Spirin, deputy chief mechanic of the underground mine at Gaysky GOK.

" For us, the installation of the first machine is a big event and a very big responsibility. All work on the installation of the machine is carried out by Gaysky GOK on its own, specialists from Uralmashzavod carry out field supervision. Designers, representatives of the Uralmashplant service department and contractors are working at the installation site, "said Andrey Vyatkin, Deputy General Designer for lifting, handling and mining equipment, Uralmashzavod.

In the next two years, Uralmashplant will design and manufacture more six lifting machines for the enterprises of the raw materials division of UGMK-Holding, namely JSC Siberia-Polymetals, LLC Shakhtostroitelnoe upravlenie and LLC Bashkirskaya Med '. UZTM will supply customers with skip, cage, tunneling (bucket) and multi-rope machines.

According to Andrey Vyatkin, based on the experience of manufacturing the first machine, as well as in active cooperation with the specialists of the Chief Engineer Service and the Production Directorate UZTM is making adjustments to the technology of production of new machines aimed at reducing the cost of their manufacture. “Thanks to the change in the cutting of rolled metal, we have achieved a 15% reduction in the number of welds in new structures, which means a reduction in labor intensity and a reduction in production time. At the same time, among the designers of the blast furnace and mine equipment department, specialists in specific groups of mine winders are distinguished, the documentation is developed according to the principle of the maximum possible unification of technical solutions. All this significantly reduces time costs and allows design development at a higher level, ”says Andrey Vyatkin.

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