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Home / Press Releases / TMK updated Environmental policies to global best practices

TMK updated Environmental policies to global best practices

Press Releases
TMK updated Environmental policies to global best practices

pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK) has updated its corporate Environmental policy. The document reflects improved approaches and principles in the field of ecology, based on international best environmental practices.

the purpose of the policy is not only to minimize the impact on the environment and to ensure its preservation, but to improve it as well as the biodiversity in the regions of presence. This goal is an integral part of the corporate culture and ecologically oriented management in PMC.

In the framework of Environmental policy, the company monitors and manages environmental risks and apply best practices and initiatives in the field of environmental protection. In particular, efficiently manage waste production, striving to minimize their education and increasing the proportion of recycled waste, as well as rationally and economically using natural resources and energy. TMK is fully open to dialogue on issues of environmental impact and are ready to discuss them with stakeholders.

To implement its Environmental policies the company has identified three key priority. The first is the reference point for eco-technologies, reflected in the fact that the environmental agenda plays a significant role in the design of products, selection of raw materials, production technologies and partners. The second priority ekoprotsessy integrated into the production and equipment that reduces the environmental burden and resource consumption. The third ecological products, which are designed to be environmentally friendly throughout the production cycle — from raw material and scientific development to disposal of products and recycling.

"TMK pursues a transparent policy in the field of ecology, demonstrating what concrete steps the company undertakes in this area. It is a continuous process, as new, more advanced environmental technologies, approaches and solutions. They are carefully monitored and implemented in the shortest possible time to our production does not harm the environment", — said the first Deputy General Director — chief engineer of TMK Vyacheslav Popkov.

TMK updated Environmental policies to global best practices

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