Home / Press Releases / "Mechel" has updated one of the main production units at the Bratsk Ferroalloy plant
Home / Press Releases / "Mechel" has updated one of the main production units at the Bratsk Ferroalloy plant

"Mechel" has updated one of the main production units at the Bratsk Ferroalloy plant

Press Releases
Bratsk, Russia – April 15 2020 – of OJSC Mechel (MOEX: MTLR; NYSE: MTL), a leading Russian mining and metals company, announces the launch of the updated furnace at Bratsk Ferroalloy plant. In the course of technical re-equipment of power ore-thermal furnaces for smelting of ferro-alloys increased from 25 MVA to 33 MVA. This will allow to increase output on the unit to 40%. Total investment in the project amounted to 1.1 billion rubles.

Furnace – basic production units BSF, all of them in the enterprise 4. The finished product – ferrosilicon, is used in metallurgical industries for melting of steel and sold to companies of the Group Mechel, and the internal and external markets.

the modernization of ore-thermal furnace No. 3 of the old equipment is completely dismantled, installed a new tub with refractory brickwork for smelting of ferroalloys, modernized dosing system for raw materials and implemented an automated control system for technical process: furnace controlled by computer, all the indicators are displayed on the monitors. On the stove alternately to produce ferrosilicon FS65 brands and ФС75.

reconstruction of the affected and scrubbers – have been taken to setochnykh withdrawal of gas in existing gas cleaning device, equipped with bag filters. Due to this increase in production capacity of the furnace will not increase the burden on the environment. In the framework of technical re-equipment also updated the closed system of water recycling, replacing 1200 feet of pipe cooling furnaces. In addition, the company reconstructed the substation and replaced the two transformers.

"Technical re-equipment of ore-thermal furnace №3 was the second stage of the ambitious project of Mechel group's Ferroalloy production update, which began with the renewal of furnace No. 4. Start one of the modernized unit will significantly increase the productivity and reduce the environmental load and the cost of production by reducing the specific electricity consumption", – said General Director of JSC "Mechel" Oleg Korzhov.


PAT "Mechel"
Catherine Wiedemann
Tel: +7-495-221-88-88


Mechel is a global mining and metals company. The company's products are exported to Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa. Mechel unites producers of coal, iron ore, steel, rolled products, ferroalloys, heat and electric energy. All enterprises work in a single production chain, from raw materials to products with high added value.


LLC "Bratsk Ferroalloy plant" – a modern highly efficient company producing high-grade ferrosilicon (containing silicon 65% and 75%). Our products have international quality certificate and exceed the requirements of the world market, which allows up to fifteen percent of impurities in ferrosilicon. Ferrosilicon is delivered to the enterprises of the Group "Mechel" sold on the domestic and foreign markets.


Certain statements in this press release may contain projections or forecasts regarding future events or the future financial performance of JSC "Mechel" in accordance with the provisions of Legislative act of the USA about the reform of the judicial process in respect of securities in 1995. We wish to caution You that these statements are only predictions and that actual events or results may differ materially from those stated. We do not intend to revise or update these statements. We refer You to the documents Mechel periodically submit to the Commission securities and exchange Commission, including the annual report on Form 20-F. These documents contain and identify important factors, including those listed under "risk Factors" and "note regarding forecasts contained in this document" in the Form 20-F. These factors can cause significant discrepancies between actual results and our assumptions and projections regarding future events, including, without limitation, the achievement of anticipated levels of profitability, growth, cost-effectiveness of our recent acquisitions, the impact of competitive pricing, ability to obtain necessary regulatory permits and authorizations, condition of the Russian economy, political and legal environment, volatility in stock markets or the value of our shares or ADRs, financial risk management and the impact of General provisions of business and global economic conditions.


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