Home / Press Releases / MMK earned over a quarter of a billion rubles from improving energy efficiency
Home / Press Releases / MMK earned over a quarter of a billion rubles from improving energy efficiency

MMK earned over a quarter of a billion rubles from improving energy efficiency

Press Releases
In October 2020, PJSC MMK successfully passed the first supervisory examination of the energy management system for compliance with the requirements of the new version of the international standard ISO 50001: 2018. The specialists of the international certification body TÜV International Certification (Germany), who conducted the audit, did not reveal any inconsistencies and deviations during the examination. The experts noted that thanks to the special attention of the top management of PJSC MMK to energy conservation issues, as well as to the well-coordinated and professional team, the company has completely created conditions for the maintenance and effective functioning of the energy management system.

The successful implementation of the audit program became possible due to serious preparatory work, within the framework of which a new Energy Policy of PJSC MMK was approved, the strategic goal of which is to reduce the cost of energy resources in the cost of production of the plant. New requirements of the standard have been implemented, including risks related to the energy management system have been identified and integrated into the business processes of production units. MMK's divisions carried out internal audits of the energy management system in accordance with the program approved by the senior management of PJSC MMK - a total of 28 audits.

In July 2020, the first official Report on sustainable development of PJSC MMK, compiled in accordance with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards). The report includes the results of the Company's activities, including in the area of ​​energy efficiency, which is one of MMK's top priorities. PJSC MMK is committed to the implementation of innovative solutions, close cooperation with research centers and compliance with the best available technologies.

In 2020, PJSC MMK received the International Energy Management Insight Awards in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency. production efficiency in accordance with the international standard ISO 50001. The prize was awarded to PJSC MMK at the global international forum organized by the CEM Energy Management Working Group (EMWG) of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), which was attended by experts from 25 countries. UNIDO Energy Director Tarek Emtyre in his congratulatory letter to the General Director of PJSC MMK Pavel Shilyaev noted that the experience of PJSC MMK may be of interest to other companies. An independent group of international experts believes that the case study of PJSC MMK shows how the energy management system can be successfully integrated into existing business systems to better manage resources, maintain achieved savings and continuously improve energy performance.

Among the important areas of improving the energy efficiency of production processes in the MMK Group is the development and implementation of appropriate rationalization proposals. In total, in 2020, 771 energy-efficient ideas were submitted through the special application "Energy Management Platform" (EMP), of which 188 were implemented with a planned annual economic effect of 98.5 million rubles. In addition, last year 7 low-budget, high-performance projects (baby-capex) were implemented, the planned effect of which amounts to a total of 30.3 million rubles.

Currently, IEM supports ideas of all categories ( energy saving, saving material and technical resources, ecology, labor protection and industrial safety and others). As part of the implementation of the EVOLUTION business system, an interface has been developed for transmitting data from PEM on various types of proposals upon reaching certain statuses for further processing and analysis of information. Data on the planned costs, effect, description of the main principles on which the proposal is supposed to be implemented is transmitted to BS "EVOLUTION".

Also in 2020, the fulfillment of obligations under contracts for the provision of energy services for the project of installing frequency converters on pumps continued raw water for chemical water treatment at the Central Power Plant of PJSC MMK (effect per year - 1.4 million rubles), the project of an automated control complex for the drives of smoke exhausters of the converter gases utilization system of the oxygen-converter shop (effect - 22 million rubles) and the project to replace the ceiling lighting of the steam-blower power plant (PVES, effect - 1.8 million rubles).

Last year, under the energy service contract scheme, a project was successfully implemented to clean a condenser on a PVES turbo-blowing machine using a deterministic strain of bioorganic composition, the confirmed effect was 6 million. rub.

Another area of ​​increasing energy efficiency is the implementation of i measures envisaged by annual energy saving programs aimed at reducing the costs of all types of energy resources. In 2020, according to the results of implemented in the framework

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  1. Dmitri
    Dmitri Гости 14 January 2025 13:09
    Статья о достижениях ПАО ММК в области энергоэффективности вызывает глубокое уважение и интерес. Впечатляет, как компания внедряет инновационные решения и стандарты, такие как ISO 50001:2018, для повышения производительности и оптимизации энергопотребления. Особенно примечательно, что в 2020 году было реализовано более 180 рационализаторских предложений, что привело к экономическому эффекту почти 100 миллионов рублей. Такие инициативы достойны быть примером для других предприятий.

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