reinforced Concrete piles of various sizes and cross-sections are used for the device of the foundations of any objects. Under its own weight of a building or structure on the supporting stand (base) load is transferred to the soil.
For any terrain with a particular topography and soil type, you can choose the best option pile Foundation. In difficult conditions are used composite piles up to 32 metres, or piles with additional reinforcement. Installation of piles is a special piling installations on a prepared construction site.
Dip poles in the ground
On every object before the start of the piling works carried out engineering-geological surveys with sampling of soil in different seasons of the year. Based on the information, calculations and regulatory requirements project documentation. Design engineers choose the type of Foundation, type of pile and magnitude of the dip in the ground. To assess the actual state of the soil characteristics help in field testing and test piling.
the First stage directly to the pile of works – preparation and layout of the pile field. After performing the immersion supports:
- If the site is located on water-saturated soil, the technology of resonance. Piles consistently raise to a vertical position and lowered into the soil cycles – as long as the column base is not fixed to the design depth.
- For hard and dense soil piles combined with vibropogrujatel and degradation of the soil. To do this in well under the supports of the water is supplied with strong pressure. Water softens the soil, and the drive is easier and faster.
- the distance of the object and the availability of free transport to the construction site,
- characteristics of soil and the complexity of the terrain
- total piles to dive, their cross-section and maximum length,
- the type of machinery and equipment for installation of piles
- schedule and the urgency of piles.
- to start with preliminary preparation of the pile field – clear the area from the upper plant layer, to align the surface on the overall level, etc.
- properly set the equipment on the site to reduce the time to move
- to limit the size of the pile field, slightly larger than the perimeter of the proposed facility
- carefully transfer the layout and arrangement of the pillars, straight and the slightest deviation
- to observe the location of the supports at an equal distance relative to the adjacent piles,
- the installation of piles below the groundwater level and frost penetration.
- OOO "FULCRUM", was 5029236488
- Phone: 8 (925) 544 37 77
- the Official site
- Address: Moscow region, Mytishchi borough, village Vysokovo, street Central, d. 40
- Mode of operation from 9:00 to 18:00 (mon.-Fri.)
In the conditions of dense urban development of the technology shock drive and resonance are not used, since the work is accompanied by strong noise and vibration. The additional stress can negatively affect the foundations of nearby objects, so on such construction sites in mostly popular technology leader drilling.
the Price of installation of piles
Cost of pile works is calculated individually for each object taking into account such features:
to efficiently conduct the installation of concrete piles, experts recommend: