Global steel exports up 6.4% in 2023

According to the World Steel Association, global exports of steel products, including ingots, semi-finished products, hot-rolled and cold-rolled steel, pipes, wire, and unprocessed castings and forgings, amounted to 402.8 million tons in 2023, an increase of 6.4 % more than last year.

The most exported steel product in 2023 was hot-rolled sheet and coils with 75.6 million tons, up 11.2% year-on-year, followed by 53.2 million tons of ingots and semi-finished products, an increase of 19.3%.

Globally, 41 million tons of galvanized sheets were exported in 2023, an increase of 6.8 % more than in 2022, followed by 36.5 million tons of steel pipes and fittings (up 6.7%), 35.2 million tons of sheet metal (up 9.3%) and 30.3 million tons cold rolled. -sheet and coil products, a decrease of 1.6% compared to the same period last year.

World steel production in 2023 amounted to 1.89 billion tons, which is 0.1% more than in Last year. According to worldsteel, of the total, 71.1% was produced using oxygen blast furnaces and 28.6% using electric arc furnaces.

The largest exporting country in 2023 was China with a production volume of 94. 3 million tons, which was also the largest producer of crude steel with a production volume of 1 billion tons.

Followed by Japan, which exported 32.2 million tons in 2023, South Korea - 27 million tons, European Union - 26 million tons and Germany - 22.5 million tons.

Meanwhile, the top five largest importers in 2023 included the EU (39.2 million tons), the USA (26.4 million tons), Germany and Italy (18.7 million tons each) and Turkey (18 million tons).

Worldsteel noted that EU export and import volumes exclude intra-regional trade, while German and Italian volumes include intra-European trade.

Ferrous scrap exports increased by 0.2% year on year

Meanwhile, according to Worldsteel, 99.1 million tons of ferrous scrap were exported in 2023, up 0.2 % more than in 2022.

In 2023, the US was the largest scrap exporting country with 16.3 million tons, followed by Germany with 7.5 million tons, the UK with 6.9 million tons , the Netherlands with 7.1 million tons and Japan with 6.9 million tons.

The EU was the largest scrap exporting region in 2023 with 44.7 million tons, up 2.8% last year.

The largest importer of ferrous scrap in 2023 was Turkey (18.8 million tons), followed by Italy (5.8 million tons), the United States (5.1 million tons) and Belgium (4 million tonnes).

Asia was the largest importing region of ferrous scrap in the world with 33.3 million tonnes, up 7.1% from 2022, followed by the EU from 30 million tons, which is 5.7% less.

According to the data, global pig iron exports in 2023 amounted to 12.1 million tons, and imports - 11.9 million tons.