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Steel demand in China's manufacturing industry rebounds to record levels

In the first half of the year, additional capacities for the production of metal structures in China will come into operation...

China conducted test mining of polymetals from the seabed at a depth of four kilometers

China's heavy-duty deep-sea mining vehicle has completed sea trials at a depth of more than 4,000 meters, the Shanghai municipal government said on...

Chinese automaker will ask the European Commission to hold hearings on tariff measures against Chinese electric vehicles

The European Commission intruded on commercially sensitive information during its anti-subsidy investigations, including by requiring the company to...

Russia and China announced cooperation in the field of mining and metallurgy

The Russian Steel Association and the Chinese Chamber of Commerce for the Import and Export of Metals, Minerals and Chemicals signed a Memorandum of...

The evolution of Chinese steel mills: from robots to peacocks

Robots manage everything, there is no lighting in the production area, peacocks and sika deer walk around the plant... This is the picture that...

Xi Jinping received a warm welcome in Serbia, where the Chinese leader spoke about the “inevitability of expanding investment”

The Chinese leader's comments come as tensions between Beijing and Brussels rise, with Western European leaders calling on Xi's government to stop...

BMW will invest an additional $2.8 billion in production base in northeast China

In 2026, the first NEUE KLASSE models will roll off the assembly line in Shenyang - a completely new generation of BMW cars...

China begins mass production of carbon-14 isotopes using a commercial nuclear reactor

This will end the country's almost complete dependence on imported carbon-14 isotopes...

China condemns EU attempts to justify anti-dumping practices

On April 10, the European Commission published an updated report on significant government distortions in the economy of the People's Republic of...

Xiaomi launched its first NEV car

Xiaomi Corporation introduced its first electric car and plans to become the world's leading automaker within 15-20 years, competing with Tesla and...

Production of lithium-ion batteries in China increased by a quarter

Last year, China's total lithium-ion battery production exceeded 940 gigawatt-hours (GWh), worth about US$200 billion....

A rocket street will appear in Beijing

To accelerate the development of the commercial aerospace industry, Beijing will continue to devote resources in aerospace science and technology to...

Korea lifts import tariffs on some stainless steel rods

Duties on stainless steel rods from Japan, India and Spain were last extended on January 22, 2021 for the fourth time in three years at rates of...

Coal production in China is breaking records, and its imports have increased by 60%

The Chinese economy is in no hurry to abandon coal, setting new records in its production and consumption....

Tata Steel sales in India hit record high

Sales in India grew 3% for the year and 1.2% for the quarter. Domestic sales increased 10% for the year and 3% for the quarter. Indian operations...

China sets a new record for car production and sales

Car sales in China grew by 27.4% in November 2023...

Volkswagen will launch a base-level electric vehicle platform aimed at the Chinese market in 3 years

The German automaker's total investment in China will exceed a billion dollars, and the new industrial park will employ more than 3,000 people....

China rejects EU accusations of exporting excess electric vehicle capacity

Following accusations of overcapacity in the steel market, China is facing accusations of overproduction of electric vehicles, which could lead to...

China's scrap steel supply will rise in the fourth quarter as consumption rises

Based on an expected scrap steel utilization rate of 30% in China's steel sector by 2025, the Metallurgical Mining Association of China (MMAC)...

China will become the world's largest car exporter in 2023

If in 2001 the volume of automobile exports from China in value terms was only 1.56 billion US dollars, then in the first eight months of this year...

US and Indonesia announce comprehensive partnership

US President Joe Biden and his Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo will cooperate in areas such as green energy, critical minerals and semiconductors...

117 fighters and reconnaissance aircraft are being scrapped in Kazakhstan

According to the terms of the tender, fighter jets must be disposed of by cutting on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan....

Taiwan steel mills set carbon surcharge from 2024

Taiwan is set to introduce a carbon tax on January 1, 2024, but the country's environment ministry has yet to announce the exact tariff....

Value added in China's non-ferrous metals industry grew by 6.2% in January-September

Chinese metallurgists increased production of non-ferrous metals to 55.02 million tons, up 6.8% year-on-year....

The Chinese steel lobby intends to seek the reversal of new EU environmental initiatives

China steel association CISA says the EU carbon tax is a new trade barrier and calls for further negotiations....

JSW Steel and ArcelorMittal target mines and steel business in eastern India

The price of a profitable business remains the subject of negotiations, but the negotiations themselves indicate the interest of major players in...

China Adopts Plan to Support Stable Growth in Mechanical Engineering at More Than 3%

The plan is mainly focused on 11 sectors of the Chinese industrial sector, including machine tools, agricultural machinery and construction machinery....

Coal production in China showed steady growth in January-July 2023

From January to July, China produced 2.67 billion tons of raw coal....

China overtakes Japan in car exports

The People's Republic of China in the first half of this year became the world's largest supplier of new cars to the world market....

China's car production continues to fall

Approximately 2.39 million vehicles were sold in China in July this year, down 1.4% from the same period last year, according to data from the China...

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