Turkey has reduced steel production in November by 8%

Turkish raw steel production in November compared to the same month last year, showed a decrease of 8.1%, and in comparison with October, increased by 7.4% and amounted to 2.88 million tons. This was reported in the Turkish steel producers ' Association.

In November, the metal production in steelmaking units decreased by 11% compared to the same month last year, and blast furnace production decreased by 1.7%.

Total production of Turkish steel in January-November fell compared with the same period last year (APPG) of 10.4% from 34.4 million tons to 30.9 million tons. Installing electric arc furnaces reduced the output by 12.6% to 20.9 million tons; the remaining plants produced 10 million tons of steel, which is 5.3% lower than the same period last year.

Turkish crude steel production (thousand tons)

the the the the the the
2018-11 months. 2019-11 months. % ISM. 19/18
procurement 22 885 19 071 of-16,7
slabs 11 541 11 787 2,1
TOTAL 34 425 30 857 -10,4
E. O. 23 918 20 903 -12,6
BOF 10 507 9955 -5,3