Tesla has established a legacy processors in a Chinese car

American automobile firm Tesla received numerous complaints from owners of new cars Model 3 is released in China, which found that the computers of their cars used an outdated processor for control system of electric vehicle.

In a separate statement, the company Elon musk promised to upgrade the equipment for free, when you allow delivery.

This chip is used by the autopilot system of the vehicle. The autopilot provides a semi-automatic driving, driving wheel, acceleration and braking.

In the new Model 3, according to the manufacturer's specifications, should be used processor version 3.0 Tesla production, but instead in the production of Chinese cars used the 2.5 version from NVIDIA.

3.0 Chip installed in new cars Tesla since April of last year. It handles images in 21 times faster than version 2.5.

due to the outbreak of coronavirus Tesla factory in Shanghai was closed at the end of January and was reopened on February 10.