Eramet, BASF and SUEZ launch a comprehensive lithium-ion battery recycling project in Europe

The ReLieVe (ReLieVe) project, founded by major companies Eramet, BASF and SUEZ, will receive substantial funding of 4.7 million euros from EIT Raw Materials, a consortium initiated and funded by the European Union. The aim of the project is to launch an innovative process with feedback for the disposal of used and production of new lithium-ion electric vehicle batteries in Europe.

From January 2020 and over the next two years, the ReLieVe project is organizing a series of events to launch a large-scale innovation process to create an integrated structure in the industrial sector: from the collection and dismantling of recyclable end-of-life batteries to the production of new electrode materials .

The collaboration of the three largest European companies, each of which is a leader in its sector, will provide an integrated approach along the entire value chain:

  • SUEZ - collects and disassembles expired batteries;
  • Eramet optimizes the disposal process;
  • BASF - produces new cathode materials.

Academic researchers from Chimie ParisTech and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) will help project participants accelerate their search for innovative solutions. Automotive representatives will join the advisory committee.

EIT Raw Materials, which is co-financing the ReLieVe project, the largest raw materials consortium in the world, initiated by the European Institute for Innovation and Technology. Its mission is to ensure the competitiveness of the European raw materials sector along the entire value chain by stimulating innovation and entrepreneurship.