The European Commission approved the financing of the ThyssenKrupp project "tkH2Steel" for 2 billion euros

The EU Commission has approved funding for the tkH2Steel decarbonization project by the federal and state governments for a total amount of around two billion euros through two interconnected funding instruments, Initial Grant and Conditional Payment.

In particular, the innovation contributes to the adoption of factory technologies and the rapid phase-out of natural gas. The approval of state aid by the EU Commission allows the federal government to allocate the requested funding.

The innovative concept is characterized above all by its innovative strength and its extremely ambitious hydrogen buildup. On the one hand, this quickly saves a lot of CO2, and on the other hand, "tkH2Steel" to become the engine of the European hydrogen economy and thus the reference point for investments in the rapid development of cross-border hydrogen infrastructure.

Thyssenkrupp own investment is almost 1 billion euros.

The fully hydrogen-containing DR plant with two smelters and a production capacity of 2.5 million tons of direct reduced iron per year (from which produces 2.3 million tons of pig iron) is the world's first combination of plants of this type with this technological concept. It is a technological pioneer in the field of further decarburization of the steel value chain and guarantees, among other things,