The judges from Uruguay, Chile and the Philippines rassmatrivajut the claim of the EU against the USA

the European Union has started a legal battle against the United States in the world trade organization over tariffs on steel introduced by Donald trump on national security in 2018.

Monday in court for the world trade organization (WTO) began consideration of the case of the EU against the United States. The European Union called for the abolition of tariffs imposed by the President of the United States Donald trump on steel imports that were imposed by Washington in 2018 in accordance with the law of the United States from 1962, which allows the President to restrict imports for reasons of national security.

the EU and the US presented their case to a panel of judges from three people from Uruguay, Chile and the Philippines. The WTO allows some exceptions in cases of national security.

a Central argument of the United States is that the national security issue is an internal affair of each country and should not be judged by the WTO of three in Geneva.

judge of the WTO has already stated that they will not make a decision until the last quarter of 2020, which means that the resounding defeat of property trump can happen after the US presidential election on 3 November.

In April 2019 WTO judges ruled on similar right to the use of the term "national security" and said that the Russian restrictions on road and rail transport of Ukraine was legitimate because of the extraordinary situation in the relations between them.

National security will also be able to cover their protectionist actions of the government of Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and South Korea in connection with the Japanese export restrictions.