The European Union has called for an emergency climate situation

Europe becomes the first continent which recognized the catastrophic events of climate change at the parliamentary level. It was voted by 429 MEPs against, 225.

across the EU, a wave of youth protest, which accused politicians of inaction in the face of certain, in her opinion, a disaster.

In response, the liberal faction of "Upgrading Europe" and urged the government to take measures to ensure that global warming is not exceeded by 2050, one and a half degrees Celsius.

"we are Talking about declaring a state of emergency in terms of the climate and the environment, said the French liberal Pascal Canfin. - Need to take the appropriate and very specific actions in connection with this incident. That is, it is not enough to declare, you need to act, to make the right political decisions, to think that way."

In this environment, more and more members to oppose the monthly moving of the European Parliament from Brussels to Strasbourg and back. According to estimates, as a result of one such trip only emits 19 tons of carbon dioxide.

furthermore, critics are subjected to such countries as Poland, still heavily dependent on coal. A representative of the environmental movement, "Greenpeace" demands deeper cuts harmful emissions than planned:

"Target (of reducing emissions - ed.) at 55 percent, called for by the European Parliament and several governments, will not keep warming below 2 degrees, says Sebastian Mang. - "Greenpeace and other environmentalists need to increase this figure to 65 percent. Looks like climate action."

Ursula von der Leyen has called a top priority of the European Commission led by her development of the so-called "New green deal", under which must be signed by the leaders of all EU countries. It involves the allocation of significant money to fight climate change.

Previously coalsalesthat the UN has actually signed the impotence in the fight against global warming. But in the US the level of climate hysteria reached new heights, Americans refuse to give birth children, so that they do not become a victim of climate change. Local psychiatrists ascertain the growth of such sentiments the last three years.