New EU Commissioner wants to discuss with a sales representative of the USA tariffs on steel and aluminum

the New European Union Commissioner on trade, Irish Phil Hogan, said Monday that he will seek the restart of trade relations between the EU and the United States on several controversial issues when he first will meet with his us counterpart next month.

the administration of the trump imposed tariffs on European steel and aluminium in mid-2018. In addition, under U.S. sanctions hit the goods from the EU to $ 7.5 billion after the US has accused the European Union of subsidizing Airbus aviakontserna.

Hogan have talked with US trade representative Robert Leithiser shortly before Christmas, the newspaper the Irish Times.

"We agreed to meet in Washington in mid-January to discuss a long list of issues causing tensions between the EU and the USA. It makes no sense to go into the details of removing trade irritants, if we agree on a line in a common trade agenda", he said. "I will seek to restart trade relations between the EU / USA on issues such as tariffs on steel and aluminum and the threat of US tariffs in response to the digital tax in Europe".

Both parties are theoretically trying to make a deal for the total abolition of import duties, which stalled for agricultural products. According to Washington, it should be included in the agreement, what it does not want in Brussels.

In the European Union also does not agree that Washington is paralyzed the judicial branch of the world trade organization, a vital component of the global trading system.

the European Commission said the bloc will act as one with respect to the scheduled U.S. tariff on French goods, and that the threat of a rise this month in tariffs across the EU in connection with a dispute over Airbus complicate a settlement.