UK begins the most ambitious programme of public investment for 65 years

Britain will increase public investment to the highest level since 1955 in an attempt to stimulate economic growth after Brexit. Budget expenditures will be increased in the automotive industry, railway transport, development of broadband, housing and research activities, said the Minister of Finance of great Britain Rishi Sunak.

the Expected increase in government investment by 100 billion pounds (about 129 billion dollars) over the next five years, announced before the December elections will be a turning point for Britain after a decade of concentrated efforts to reduce the budget deficit.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has promised to invest in the poorer regions, where voters helped him win the election in December. Details of the new national infrastructure plan will be announced in the coming months.

Sunak said he will also announce measures to compensate expected blow to the economy of Britain from the spread of coronavirus.

Previously coalsalesthat China Jingye company on Monday completed the acquisition of the assets of the second largest metallurgical enterprise in the UK British Steel and is ready to invest $ 1.5 billion in the development of this company.