Euronews: COVID-19 in Italy may cause social unrest, looting and violence

In Italy, an emergency situation exists not only in hospitals. Since then, the country closed for quarantine, problems have arisen in regions where many residents work illegally. Once isolated, these people are not entitled to any payment from the authorities. The mayors of several cities in the South of the Kingdom are concerned that the looting and incitement to violence, yet restrained, can result in social unrest.

the Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris no secret that a difficult situation may play into the hands of the mafia:

"they Have a huge amount of cash. I'm not saying that they are more or the same as the state. But the mob quickly finds a use for them. The government people are still not paid compensation stipulated by the March decree. As for the mafia, and three hours is enough."

In Sicily, the police began to guard the entrances and exits to supermarkets, where the cases of theft. Desperate measures are those who have no money and who need to feed themselves and their families. Local media reported that the hungry residents of many municipalities has forced the owners of small shops to distribute free food.