Austrian steel company Voestalpine will pay dividends despite the losses

At the General meeting of shareholders of Austrian steel company Voestalpine was accepted the decision about dividends payment in the amount of 0.20 Euro per share for the 2019/20 financial year (compared to EUR 1.10 per share a year earlier). This year the General meeting of shareholders, which was carried out virtually without the physical presence of shareholders coronavirus.

V< / span>oestalpine pays dividends to its shareholders every year since the shares in 1995. In General the shareholders of inplaceno 3.1 billion Euro (including the payment of dividends this year). The average dividend yield over the last ten working years is 2.9%.

it is Interesting that almost all 25 300 employees are shareholders of Voestalpine scheme batch distribution of shares, and also benefit from the continuity of the dividends of the company. Overall, this pattern of share ownership for employees - the largest in Austria, based on the percentage of votes and the value of its shares, is about 14.8% of the voting rights of the company.

In the 2019/20 financial year, revenue Voestalpine amounted to 12.7 billion euros, operating result (EBITDA) of minus € 1.2 billion.