The US imposed a life full provision for 100,000 the American the miners

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin announced Friday on the granting of pensions and health care, nearly 100,000 miners, their widows and their families.

This bill provides lifetime medical benefits for up to 13,000 miners who have lost their benefits, and to 92 000 miners that could, in the next year to lose some of their benefits without congressional action.

"Today we came to the agreement that will finally provide pensions and health care for our miners and their families. We have fulfilled the promise of this country to them in 1946. It was an honor to fight this war and assemble a coalition that made this possible. I want to thank my colleagues in the Congress, Democrats and Republicans for what they have done is truly bipartisan," said Senator Manchin.

Informed Senator Manchin proposed a bill that provides lifetime medical and pension for miners and their families in 2015.

President of the United States Donald trump reacted to the new on his Twitter, writing: "We do it for our great miners!".

the United States has five major world producers of coal.

According to a new study by the International energy Agency (IEA), in 2019 global consumption of coal has decreased. Primarily this is due to the trend away from coal-fired power plants in favor of gas and renewables in Europe and the United States.