The company Elon musk announced a new "solar roof" of tempered glass

U.S. company Tesla announced price its innovative "solar shingles" for private households. According to the company website, the roof area of 2,000 ft2 with a solar capacity of 10 kW will cost fans of "green energy" 33 950 U.S. dollars.

Enhanced third version of the technology "Solarglass Roof V3" cheaper than a new roof and a separate solar cells. At the same time, households will be able to produce clean energy and save on utilities.

Made of tempered glass, tile "Solar Roof" with more than three times stronger than standard tiles.

According to the Elon musk solar panels - it's like a printer that prints money on your roof.

Representatives Tesla plan to install 1,000 such "Solar Roof" in a week.

estimated By the company annually in the United States installs about 5 million new roofs. All these roofs can generate electricity from solar energy thanks to new technologies.

please note that in Ukraine, the growing popularity of solar power among households. If at the beginning of 2014 there were only about 20 such families, as of October 1, 2019, according to Gazenergoinvest, about 15 thousand families have moved to solar energy.