Washington refused to negotiate with China and anti-Chinese imposes new sanctions

President of the United States Donald trump said Tuesday that he had signed a law providing for sanctions against Chinese officials have restricted the freedom of Hong Kong.

"Today I signed the law and the decree aims to ensure that China was responsible for the oppression in Hong Kong," he said.

the First is the law on new sanctions against China in connection with its actions in respect of Hong Kong, the second decree on the abolition of economic incentives USA for this administrative region of China.

the US President announced that "for Hong Kong this decree cancels all benefits which he used - to this area we will be treated as, and to the rest of China, including a ban on the export of dual-use technologies. Plus, we are introducing import duties, this decision has no precedent in the history of our relations".

the order also blocks the property rights of the citizens, who, according to Washington, were involved in the detention or custody of persons under the law on national security in Hong Kong.

in addition, trump said that he is not planning new talks with China on the second phase of the trade agreement.

"I'm not interested in negotiating with China," trump said in response to a question about whether there will be negotiations on the second phase of trade agreements. "We made a great bargain. But as soon as it was signed, even the ink is still wet, they hit us with the plague".

trump was referring to the new coronavirus, which first appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Earlier he repeatedly declared that China must be held accountable for the spread of the virus.