The US state Department gave the contractors the "Nord stream — 2" a month to stop work

Contractors of the project "Northern stream – 2" must complete the work within 30 days from the moment of signing by President Donald trump in the US defense budget (NDAA), explained on his website the U.S. state Department.

"Any company involved in Nord Stream 2, must carefully examine what this means for their activities," warned the Department.

the state Department stressed that he intends to follow the letter of the law. So it will give the Secretary 60 days to prepare a report to Congress to identify violators.

December 20, the American President Donald trump signed the defense budget, which laid down the sanctions against the "Nord stream — 2".

the Document provides for the immediate cessation of activities associated with the construction of the pipeline. Otherwise, all us assets of the companies-contractors will be blocked. In addition, there are prohibited transactions with the defendants in the sanctions list, and the representatives of these companies will not be allowed entry into the United States.

the report also says that the pipeline will help to maintain Europe's dependence on Russian gas, which, in the opinion of the American authorities, "creates economic and political vulnerability for the European partners of the United States".

Informed the Swiss company AllSeas, which is one of the contractors of the "Nord stream — 2", announced the work stoppage. It passed a few hours before trump has signed the defense budget.