S&P Global Platts: the Transit of Russian gas through Ukraine will grow in the coming weeks

the Transit of Russian gas to Europe via Ukraine may rise in the coming weeks, according to S&P Global Platts, citing an anonymous source close to OAO "Gazprom". According to the Agency, the supplies will be increased due to the fact that "Gazprom" finishes negotiations with European counterparties in relation to the points of delivery of gas.

Reason for the decline in transit through Ukraine in January 2020 (the average transit was 80 million cubic meters), according to the source Platts was the reconciliation at the end of last year with some clients new conditions of deliveries of Russian gas to minimize losses in case of not signing of a new transit agreement with Ukraine. We are talking about gas supplies via Nord stream and the gas pipeline "Yamal-Europe".

the Main part of Russian gas transported through Ukraine into Europe through GIS "Velke kapushany" (Slovakia). "The agreement was revised with the customer to change the delivery point with "welke kapushany" other items", the source said, adding that the decline in flows through Ukraine has become a "secondary trigger" a possible transit crisis.

"All of these contracts should be reviewed in order to return the delivery point in "welke kapushany", - said the source, adding also that most of the partners have already completed the signing of new contracts, says about the restoration of higher flows through Ukraine.

According to operational data of JSC "Operator of the gas transportation system of Ukraine", during the first five days of February the average daily transit of Russian gas through Ukraine amounted to 119 million cubic meters, which is 50% more than in January. In particular, February 5 was pumped 149,7 million cubic meters, which is the highest figure since the beginning of the year.