Hyundai predicts a decrease of the car market in Russia by 20-25% in 2020

Third in terms of sales in Russia, the automaker Hyundai Motor forecasts a reduction of the Russian automotive market in 2020 by 20-25% roughly to 1.37 million units, was announced at an online briefing on Thursday, the head of the Russian office Alex Calici.

“After a sharp drop go the gradual recovery of the market... those people who wanted to buy a car in March, April, may, they, of course, come into our dealerships,” said he.

sales of Hyundai in the first half, according to Kalitseva, fell 27% to 63.852 pieces.

In the midst of the epidemic and during the quarantine in April, market participants and experts had predicted a drop in sales of 50% because of the quarantine and the reduction in effective demand. In the first five months of sales fell by 25.7% to 478.135 pieces.