Russia created a working group for the production and trade of hydrogen

The Russian government has set up a working group of representatives from industry and line ministries to develop and implement a country's plan to secure its share in global hydrogen production and trade.

The working group brings together public and some private companies from a range of industries with the ministries of energy, transport, industry and trade, science and education, economic development and foreign affairs. Several Russian scientific institutions and the state bank VEB are also members.

The private sector is represented by the Novatek gas company, the Sibur petrochemical company and the Sistema investment group. State-owned enterprises include the atomic corporation Rosatom, the oil and gas company Rosneft, the gas giant Gazprom and its oil division Gazpromneft, the manufacturer of heavy trucks Kamaz and its owner, the industrial group Rostec, and the nanotechnology corporation Rusnano ".

The working group is headed by Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, who said in early June that Russia wants to get at least 20% of the global hydrogen market share in the future, and that the government may approve the plan in the next two months.

Russian officials, including Novak, said earlier this year that opportunities exist for joint hydrogen projects with companies from Germany, France, Australia, Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia.