Named five of the most monopolised branches of industry of Ukraine

the Minister of economic development, trade and agriculture of Ukraine Tymofiy mylovanov named the five most problematic from the point of view of the lack of competition of the industries of the country. According to him, including energy, agriculture, tobacco industry, alcohol industry, and the fertilizer market.

the Ministry has proposed "to increase competition in 2 times in 5 troubled industries".

"To the alcohol industry will be de-monopolization and privatization ... Tobacco company of vozobnovlyaet production, and the government and industry will prepare a Memorandum, which will decide the question of legalization, the fight against counterfeiting, as well as demonopolization and the establishment of equal rules of the game ... Will defenseman the land market", - said T. Milovanov.

Earlier it was reported that international companies — manufacturers of cigarettes are threatening to leave the Ukraine and refuse to buy from the state ordered tax stamps. The reason for this decision was the amendment to the law that was at the last moment included in an important government bill and voted in the session hall.

the Amendment determines the level of earnings of tobacco companies and reallocate the trading margins among market participants: manufacturers, wholesale and retail sellers of cigarettes.