"Naftogaz of Ukraine" in February reduced the price of gas for industry by 15%

Prices for gas sold "Naftogaz of Ukraine" residential customers who purchase 50 thousand cubic meters per month prepaid, with Feb 2020 compared to the January decrease by 15% - from 6 to 600 UAH 5 593,2 UAH (including VAT).

According to the pricelist of the company, for all consumers that are calculated during or the month following the consumption period, the price of gas will decrease by 14% - up to 6 242,6 UAH / thousand cubic meters. the Cabinet of Ministers has pegged the price of natural gas that "Naftogaz of Ukraine" sells the population and Teplokommunenergo to spot prices at the Dutch hub TTF.

Relevant changes provided by the resolution No. 17 dated 24 January 2020.

it is Established that from 1 January 2020 "Naftogaz of Ukraine" sells gas to these categories of consumers at prices not above the level, which takes into account the arithmetic mean price End of Day on the following day (Day-Ahead / Weekend) on ТТF for the period 1-22 day of the month the supply of gas, the difference (spread) between the price at the TTF on the border of Ukraine and the tariff for input in GTS Ukraine on the border with Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. The trading margin of Naftogaz in the price of gas supplies may not exceed 1,917%.

According to estimates ExPro, the average price of Day-Ahead / Weekend on ТТF for 1-22 January 11.61 euros per MW-hour. With this in mind, as well as the cost of transportation to the border with Ukraine 3 EUR per MWh, the ratio of energy units in thousand cubic meters (of 10.57 x), the cost of entrance to the Ukrainian GTS at the level of 4,45 euros/thousand cubic meters and the January seasonal factor (1.75 x), of the Euro on the interbank market on Jan 27 and markups "Naftogaz" 1,917%, the upper limit prices for the population is 4 477 UAH/thousand cubic meters (without VAT).

Naftogaz established in January the price of gas for the population at the level of 5580 UAH per thousand cubic meters including VAT. In his calculation he included an additional difference between the prices at TTF and NCG hub, which amounted to 0.5 Euro/MWh (or 144 UAH/thousand cubic meters). Naftogaz also considered the cost of delivery to the border at the level of 3.2 euros per MW-hour.