Ukrzaliznytsia since the beginning of the year sold 50 thousand tons of scrap metal through the Internet

Ukrzaliznytsya announced the successful auction for sale of scrap metal in the beginning of the year. The company said that in January 2020, held an open auction through the system "Prozora.Sale" for 33 lots for sale of scrap metal total weight 66,35 thousand tons. Out of this number are successful at the auction were sold 20 lots, with a total weight of 50,855 thousand tons worth 217,907 million.

In the near future, Ukrzaliznytsia plans to announce the e-tendering in 13 lots for the sale of scrap metal total weight 15,495 thousand tons with an initial value 52,489 million, which invites you to take part all comers.

for 2020, Ukrzaliznytsia intends to significantly increase sales of scrap metal to sell scheduled to 276 thousand tons of metallurgical raw materials.

Recall that during 2019 at a public auction via an electronic platform "Prozora.The sale of" Ukrzaliznytsia sold 97,212 thousand tons of scrap metal in the amount of 579,935 million.