UN: one in five working youth live in poverty

Some go on a Bentley and other expensive cars, and others, working from morning till evening, can not buy their children milk and fruit. This is an example of blatant social injustice. Today every fifth working lives in poverty.

To the statistics of the International labour organization (ILO), the UN drew attention on the occasion of world day of social justice, celebrated on 20 February.

today, one percent of the population is awash in luxury and continues to be enriched, and 40 percent of the population from generation to generation can not escape from poverty. The number of poor workers who get paid for their hard work is often meager wages. Approximately 630 million workers, and that one in five workers, live in poverty – less than 3.2 per dollar a day. The labor market is thriving gender inequality, growing youth unemployment. Today, there are 267 million unemployed young people aged 15 to 24 years.

Many experts believe that social injustice spawned by globalization.

Recently, UN Secretary-General presented a new report which stated that despite all these manifestations of social injustice and the apparent widening gap between the haves and have-nots on a global scale, this trend can change and achieve a more equitable and sustainable development.

the head of the UN offers combat poverty, unemployment and inequality to adopt new technologies to ensure equal access to education and medicine, to develop social programs, including the issue of unemployment and disability, to develop legislation aimed at combating prejudice and discrimination, including against women, youth and migrants.

Today is world day of social justice is as relevant as ever. People all over the world come to the demonstration. They are demanding change and a fairer globalization, have expressed dissatisfaction with corruption and unemployment. Unprecedented active youth. Women are fighting for equal rights, against discrimination and violence.