Support have produced a new uglerazreze machine for Zaporozhkoks

PJSC dneprotyazhmash scientific and production group dneprotechservice was first designed, manufactured and successfully tested a coal charging car UZM-21,6 to PJSC "Zaporozhkoks". The machine is designed for loading coal charge coke ovens batteries with a volume of 21.6 m3 and performs all related loading operations.

As told at the enterprise, to design UZM applied waste solutions, which proved their efficiency during the years of operation of such devices. In addition to time-tested design solutions for assemblies and mechanisms, UZM, made on a machine used technical improvements, in particular:

- Installation of bins adapted for the installation of a measuring complex.

- All design decisions and selection of components passed through rigid evaluation criteria performance in heavy duty work of the machine, namely: a high temperature, the possibility of "volley" release of an open flame, aggression precipitation. For example, cabinets of the control system is equipped with reliable modern equipment (relays, circuit breakers, etc.) applied sealing fittings, special oil seals for sealing the inlets of the external wiring and other structural solutions to increase the lifetime of the units, mechanisms and in General the products, the reduction of energy consumption and to create comfortable working conditions of the driver.

In development for future models of coal charging machines at the customer's request to establish mechanisms of control equipment flue riser coke ovens, system tsentralizovannaya the lubrication of components and mechanisms of automatic and manual control mode, and other technical improvements.