Milovanov reminded that in Ukraine, women earn much less than men

In Ukraine the average women get to 22-23% lower wages than men. About it announced on his Facebook page Tymofiy mylovanov, who headed until recently the Ministry of agriculture and economic development of Ukraine. He said that according to government statistics in the 4th quarter of 2019, the industries with the lowest salaries for women were:

    • Postmen and couriers - women earn 64.9 per cent (i.e. less than one third) of men's wages
      • Financiers and insurers, with 66.7%
        • Scientists up 78.2%
          • Workers of air transport is 76.2%
            • Workers of agriculture was 78.7%

in Only one area, the average salary of women was greater. Namely, in administrative services women received of 102.9% compared to men. The second industry with a high level of wages of women relative to men is education. But even there, the wage of women is equal to 98.1% of men's wages.

across all industries, women's average wages to the end of 2019, was 78.1%. In previous quarters the level of wages was about the same – 76 – 68%.

"Like it or not - women earn on average significantly less than men. It is a fact. And that needs to change. Through education, professionalization, combat stereotypes and discrimination, and reform of the labour market as a whole," said Milovanov.

Recall that in Ukraine today is international women's day — a holiday celebrated annually at the state level. It is known that 8 March is named in some countries as "women's day". Historically emerged as a day of solidarity of women in many countries in the struggle for equal rights and emancipation. Since March 1975, international women's day is celebrated in the United Nations.