In Ukraine allowed to return to work the sellers of auto parts and pawnshops

the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) amendments to resolution of Cabinet of Ministers No. 211 "On preventing the spread in Ukraine of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2", which expand the list of permitted during the quarantine of economic activity. In addition, the government has provided recommendations for the business to strengthen control over the observance of sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

So, during quarantine is allowed:

  • sale of spare parts for vehicles, including tractors and other agricultural equipment;
    • selling day-old Chicks poultry;
      • performance of all types of financial institutions, including pawnshops and credit unions.

      the government Also provided a number of recommendations for businesses, which will contribute to the reduction of queues and crowds of visitors in the stores and ensure compliance with imposed preventive measures, in particular:

        • work pharmacies around the clock;
          • to allow visitors to the trade halls, counting no more than one visitor per 10 square meters, with compliance with the 1.5 metre distance between individuals.

      "We are working to in terms of quarantine to ensure optimal functioning of key national industries. The amendments relax the conditions of doing business, stimulate agricultural companies for the spring sowing campaign, facilitate the population's access to financial resources and reinforce the implementation introduced anti-epidemic measures," - commented the Minister of economic development, trade and agriculture of Ukraine Igor Petrashko.