Steel mills continue to struggle with the spread of the coronavirus: the enterprises in Mariupol in compliance with all security measures

More than a month, Metinvest is implementing a complex anti-epidemic measures in the enterprises. All labour collectives of Mariupol assets, realizing the urgency of the situation, responsible to comply with quarantine discipline and monitor health status. Employees provided with personal protective equipment, daily processing rooms and vehicles, in places of the greatest concentration of employees is provided sanitizers for the hands. About it reports Department on public relations in the city of Mariupol of Metinvest Group.

"We understand the complexity and danger of the disease, which today is the country. And only thanks to our joint efforts with the city power, and a deep understanding of the need to comply with all regulations of quarantine as our staff, and all the townspeople manage to keep the spread of the disease at the lowest possible level. I want to say a big thank you to everyone for what you wear masks and gloves. We took the path of discipline and rightly so," - said General Director of Azovstal Enver Tskitishvili.

Continuing to strengthen the protective preventive measures, steel works named after Ilyich and "Azovstal", "Metinvest-Promservis" and Mariupol mechanical repair plant ensure personnel safety for the stable performance of duties at any level. Daily issued 30 000 kits for individual protection. Disinfected vehicles, bus shelters facilities and checkpoints, office and industrial premises.

monitoring the health of employees. Upon the slightest suspicion of a viral infection worker sent to physicians. To improve operational control updated list of medical equipment - purchased non-contact devices for measuring body temperature.

Company found the opportunity to organize a full catering staff even in the "buffet". All companies provided safe drinking regime.