Melting furnace No. 7 in Zaporizhia Ferroalloy plant fulfilled year without repair

Technology, allowing to extend the overhaul period of operation of coke ovens, has shown its effectiveness for JSC "Zaporizhzhya plant of ferroalloys". The last preventive maintenance (PM) melting furnace # 7 in the 1st workshop was held in may 2019. That is, the turnaround time increased by 2.5 times. Any outage is a big cost to the company. Purchase of goods and materials and payment of labour people, even if to do repairs without the involvement of the contractor is, as a rule, more than one million hryvnias cost.

"For example furnace No. 7 we see the positive result of the thoughtful approach to the repair and maintenance of furnaces, which we now practice at the enterprise", - said acting chief engineer of factory Alexander Prosvetov.

In 2019 from this furnace was made of a carefully planned, well thought out and prepared outage. It included full replacement of slabs of the roof of the furnace, cleaning podvodnogo space, partial installation of insulators of new design. Additionally was performed a repair of rolling out a hearth pit carts, replaced the hopper to the furnace and other equipment.

All this was done against the background of two-level quality control of work. The first level is the control of the furnace foremen and craftsmen-technologists, second – control over the compliance with all requirements for repairs from the side of the head area and the head tsrmo. Daily check the quality of the work performed up to the fact that the night shift, if required.

"it Should be particularly noted the excellent work in this direction such workers tsrmo as the mechanic-the repairman Basil Kabuka, electric and gas welder of Yuri Timoshenko and Alexei Schweich, masters Jan Kushnirenko, head of the site overhaul Gennady Moseychuk, etc. a Great contribution to the efficiency of the unit is made by the smelters Vladimir Mansinam, Sergei Megalom, Maxim Dolgov, or given by Buchneva, mechanic Vitaly Ermolenko, master Sergei Doroshenko," says Gleams.

June 7th, the furnace will shut down for the next outage, during which it will also conduct an optional upgrade.

Previously coalsalesthat the Zaporozhye ferroalloys plant was modernized and automated melting furnace # 35. The melting furnace has got a new automatic control system, and a rotating tub, which is very important in the production of ferrosilicon. In addition, furnace No. 35 applied a modern system of automatic control of all technological processes, starting from the filing of the charge and loading it in the kiln hopper and ending with the visualization on the monitor what is happening in the furnace during smelting.