DMK exceeded the plan of sales in June, shipping of metal less than a year ago
In June Dnieper metallurgical plant (DMP) has shipped to customers 237 007 tons of commercial steel products, which is 4.8% or 10 830 tons more shipments planned for the month. Compared with June last year, shipments fell by 2.3%, or 5 626 tons.
Since the beginning of the year to consumers DMK sent 1 347 023 tons of steel (+ 5.1%, or 64 947 tons more the first half of the year). At the same time, this is 2.8% less than in the corresponding period of 2019.
In the first half of 2020 output DMK was 1 347 023 tons. This is 2.8%, or 38 658 tons less than was produced in January - June of 2019.
Since the beginning of the year compared with the same period of 2019 DMK increased the production of agglomerate by 19.6% to 2 107 880 tons, the production of pig iron remained within January - June of last year and amounted to 1 210 779 tons. Steel production decreased by 3.7% - to 1 309 459 tons. Output of finished rolled products increased by 2.6% - up to 384 883 tons.