Thanks to the EU and the UN, the Ukrainian police will be able to protect themselves from COVID-19

Ensuring the safety of others, themselves "guards" in a pandemic not always feel protected by coronavirus infection. The specifics of their work almost impossible to observe the physical distance, so the police increases the likelihood of infection COVID-19.

"We provide Ukrainian police, these personal protective equipment in order to enable them to continue their daily work for the protection of citizens, - said the EU Ambassador Matti Maasikas. – This will allow the National police to operate effectively during a pandemic".

partners of the European Union become the United Nations Office for project services (UNOPS) and the Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine. "We are proud to become a reliable partner of the European Union and the government of Ukraine in these difficult times...", - said the Director of the UN office in Ukraine Irina Sahakyan Vetter.

delivery of protective equipment is only part of the joint project EU-OPS "PRAVO Police", designed to support reforms in the area of rule of law, particularly in regard to police and prosecutors.

among the objectives of the project – the reform of criminal investigations, to upgrade the base of pre-trial investigations related to cybercrime and organized crime, creation of a system of witness protection, strengthening cooperation with Interpol and Europol, and more.