Volvo to offer customers a full range of electric trucks in 2021

Volvo Trucks, the main truck brand of Swedish AB Volvo, will sell a full range of electric heavy-duty trucks in Europe starting in 2021, the company said in a statement published on Thursday.

Volvo said it is currently testing electric heavy duty trucks Volvo FH, Volvo FM and Volvo FMX, which will be used for regional transport and urban construction in Europe.

The trucks will have a gross combination weight of up to 44 tonnes and, depending on the configuration of the battery, the range can reach 300 kilometers, Volvo reports.

Sales will begin in 2021 and series production in 2022.

“This means Volvo Trucks will be selling a full line of battery-electric trucks in Europe from 2021 for transport, offloading, regional transport and urban construction,” it said.

“By rapidly expanding the number of heavy electric trucks, we want to help our customers and vehicle buyers achieve their ambitious sustainability goals. We are determined to continue moving our industry towards a sustainable future, ”said Roger Alm, President of Volvo Trucks.

Volvo Trucks started production of Volvo FL Electric and Volvo FE Electric in 2019. These are electric trucks designed for urban transport and garbage collection, primarily in Europe. In North America, the Volvo VNR Electric, a regional haul truck, will go on sale on December 3, 2020.