For the first time in Ukraine, recirculators and irradiators for air disinfection were installed in a trolleybus

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, workers at the Bogdan automobile plant in Lutsk have found a way to prevent the rapid spread of the virus within the vehicle. On October 26, 2020, a patent No. 144745 was received for a useful model "Method for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and air of vehicle interiors."

The essence of this method is to install two types of bactericidal irradiators in vehicles. The first trolleybus, in which such devices were installed for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and air of salons, was "Bogdan T70117" for Lutsk. In particular, there are 2 bactericidal irradiators and 2 bactericidal irradiators-recirculators installed in the trolleybus cabin.

The bactericidal irradiator-recirculator is a closed-type device that can be used constantly while the trolleybus is in motion, regardless of the presence or absence of passengers in the cabin. It is absolutely safe and does not require ventilation of the vehicle interior.

The bactericidal irradiator is an open-type device, which is designed for quartzing the interior with direct ultraviolet rays. The use of this type of disinfection is possible only in the absence of people in the cabin, for example, at the final stops. The use of ozone-free lamps does not require additional time spent on airing the cabin after quartzing.

The installation of such integrated air and surface disinfection systems in vehicles is a significant step towards ensuring the resistance to viruses, bacteria and other infectious microorganisms.