A new participant in the electricity market will appear in Ukraine - an operator of storage systems

The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine invited the public to discuss the draft law "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning the Development of Energy Storage Systems".

The document provides:

  • introduction of a new participant in the electricity market - the operator of the energy storage system and the establishment of his rights and obligations;
  • settlement of the issue of licensing energy storage activities;
  • banning transmission and distribution system operators from carrying out energy storage activities;
  • clarification of the procedure for holding tenders for the construction of a new generating capacity;
  • setting requirements for the use of energy storage systems by producers of electrical energy, including from renewable energy sources.

Energy storage is one of the promising technologies that will increase the flexibility of the unified energy system of Ukraine. Such batteries can be used to maintain frequency (primary regulation) and transfer power from the period of its surplus to periods of its deficiency (secondary, tertiary regulation).

Regulatory regulation of storage devices implementation is extremely relevant, given the rapid growth of the share of renewable energy in the total energy balance of Ukraine over the past years.

The active development of balancing capacities, in particular, storage systems, will provide the energy system with the necessary flexibility and stability, which is an important condition for synchronizing Ukraine's energy grids with the European ENTSO-E energy system.

At the same time, this will strengthen the ability of the energy system to integrate new capacities from renewable energy sources and, thus, create a technical opportunity for further decarbonization of the Ukrainian energy sector.

Public discussion of the bill will last 30 days.