Home / Press Releases / Leading biologists of Russia highly appreciated the scientific approach of the Kuzbassrazrezugol Management Company to biological reclamation
Home / Press Releases / Leading biologists of Russia highly appreciated the scientific approach of the Kuzbassrazrezugol Management Company to biological reclamation

Leading biologists of Russia highly appreciated the scientific approach of the Kuzbassrazrezugol Management Company to biological reclamation

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Leading biologists of Russia highly appreciated the scientific approach of the Kuzbassrazrezugol Management Company to biological reclamation

Participants of the VIII International Scientific Conference "Problems of industrial botany of industrially developed regions" visited the Kedrovsky coal mine (a branch of JSC "MC" Kuzbassrazrezugol ", an enterprise of the raw materials complex of the UMMC). Leading experts from Russia and the CIS countries examined the Landfill for Reclamation Technologies, created on the initiative of the Kuzbassrazrezugol Management Company with the assistance of Kuzbass scientists.

The Landfill for Reclamation Technologies is a joint project of the Federal Research Center for Coal and Coal Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FRC UUH SB RAS) and UK "Kuzbassrazrezugol". It was smashed at one of the dumps of the Kedrovsky open-pit mine in 2019. The ecopolygon is a three-hectare site on which the climatic and geological conditions of various regions of Kuzbass are recreated: from mountain taiga to steppe. All promising technologies for biological reclamation of disturbed lands have been implemented at this experimental site.

“The main idea of ​​the landfill is to create nature-like technologies for reclamation of disturbed coal-mining lands,” emphasizes the head of the laboratory of reclamation and biomonitoring, Kuzbass Botanical Garden FRC UUH SB RAS Vladimir Ufimtsev. “At this stage, we already see the options that can be applied at the reclamation sites as promising, and significantly increase the efficiency of work, taking into account the specifics of the dumps." the soil is planted with more than 50 different types of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. “Today the survival rate of plants planted at the landfill is 80-85 percent,” says Igor Goryunov, chief technologist of the Kedrovsky coal mine.

interacts with industrial enterprises - this is an example for all of us, - says the head of the botanical garden of Irkutsk State University Svetlana Sizykh. - We are grateful to the Kedrovsky coal mine and the Kuzbass Botanical Garden for the experience and knowledge gained. We will try to apply this successful experience in ourselves. ”

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