Home / Press Releases / Restoration of truck scales for the Kerch Trade Port
Home / Press Releases / Restoration of truck scales for the Kerch Trade Port

Restoration of truck scales for the Kerch Trade Port

Press Releases
Restoration of truck scales for the Kerch Trade Port
Фото: https://асп.рф/

Many enterprises producing equipment write about its quality and reliability. But even the most reliable and high-quality equipment requires constant service, otherwise this equipment will become unusable and require significant financial costs on the part of the owner.

Recently, a project was completed for the overhaul of truck scales for the Kerch commercial port. Accurate accounting for such an enterprise is the basis of the company's work and its direct profitability. When the accounting system fails, many well-established logistics processes fail and lead to financial losses.

On one of the working days, the truck scales stopped showing the weighing results correctly, transferring the load to other scales, it was decided to look for a company specializing in service and overhaul. When searching for such a company, first of all, requests for repairs were sent to manufacturers of such equipment, since such companies have service departments and the necessary resource base. Having received such a repair request, our technical department asked for clarification, and also recommended that a service engineer visit to determine the exact cause of the equipment failure.

When diagnosing the equipment, the following were revealed: a failure in the operation of strain gauge equipment, a violation of the tightness of the converter box, and wear of the built-in components. A proposal was drawn up for a major overhaul of truck scales with a complete replacement of strain gauges, a converter box, strengthening of construction sites, additional equipment of the platform with limiters and installation of a new weight terminal. In the mode of telephone coordination, all technical nuances were clarified and, in parallel, the service department of the ASP company was sent with a full set of equipment necessary for carrying out these works.

All the planned works were carried out within the established time limits and the 80-ton automobile scales were put into operation again, they also passed the state verification without fail.

ASP official website https://асп.рф/

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