Home / Press Releases / Uralmekhanobr created the perfect sample of copper concentrate
Home / Press Releases / Uralmekhanobr created the perfect sample of copper concentrate

Uralmekhanobr created the perfect sample of copper concentrate

Press Releases
Uralmekhanobr created the perfect sample of copper concentrate

OJSC "Uralmekhanobr" (a research and design institute as part of UMMC) has released the first in its practice state standard sample (SSS) of the composition of copper concentrate - raw material for the production of blister copper. It will be used for quality control in analytical laboratories of enterprises.

There was no such state standard sample of copper concentrate in Russia before. The Ural development makes it possible to simultaneously control 13 components in raw materials obtained during the enrichment of copper-bearing ores, or in materials similar in composition to it. The state standard sample that exists today, as a rule, is certified only for 3-5 chemical elements.

- The state standard sample developed by us is primarily aimed at ensuring the accuracy of measurement results and maintaining the quality management system of the analytical laboratory Uralmekhanobra at a high level. The production of standard samples due to its uniqueness will significantly expand the circle of our customers, - said Vitaly Zakirnichny, Deputy General Director for Science of OJSC Uralmekhanobr.

The standard sample produced at OJSC Uralmekhanobr has passed the certification procedure for compliance with the requirements GOST 8.315 in the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). According to the certificate, the specimen has a shelf life of 3 years.

Copper concentrate is obtained at concentration plants in the process of flotation (concentration) of copper-bearing ores mined at the deposits. Further, the raw material is used for the production of metallic copper and the extraction of accompanying useful components (copper, zinc, silver, gold, etc.). The state standard sample will be used to quickly assess the quality of a batch of samples of copper concentrate and intermediate enrichment products.

- We have tried to certify as much as possible in a standard sample the components that are most often controlled at mining enterprises, - said the head of the analytical laboratory OJSC "Uralmekhanobr" Alla Verkhorubova. - Now there is no need to search for standard samples to determine the amount of chemical elements such as antimony, molybdenum, cadmium or arsenic.

When producing a standard sample, the laboratory staff complied with the requirements of GOST. Methodological support was provided by the Ural Research Institute of Metrology (FGUP UNIIM, Yekaterinburg).

Currently, the employees of Uralmekhanobr have started developing two more state standard images - the composition of iron-vanadium ore and cement.

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