Home / Press Releases / BMZ signed an agreement at the II Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Ukraine.
Home / Press Releases / BMZ signed an agreement at the II Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Ukraine.

BMZ signed an agreement at the II Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Ukraine.

Press Releases

OJSC “BMZ” - the management company of the “BMK” holding takes an active part in the II Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Ukraine, which takes place in Zhitomir on October 3-4. Along with the presentation of the export potential of the holding's enterprises and the establishment of new business contacts during the forum, BMZ signed a commercial cooperation agreement for 2020 with Premiori LLC (Rosava PJSC).

A document signed by BMZ General Director of the plant D.A. Korchik, implies shipments of steel cord and BBP to the Ukrainian company in the amount of 3.6 million euros. It should be noted that the Belarusian Metallurgical Plant and PJSC Rosava, which is the only tire manufacturer in Ukraine, have already linked more than 20 years of constant cooperation.

& bsp; & bsp; At present BMZ occupies a leading position among suppliers of steel cord to the Ukrainian market. This year, Belarusian metallurgists have also exported to Ukraine rebar, various types of structural steel, wire rod, pipes and bead bronzed wire.

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