Home / Press Releases / Sibtal brand became a nominee of the Brand of the Year in Russia 2024 Award

Sibtal brand became a nominee of the Brand of the Year in Russia 2024 Award

Press Releases
Sibtal brand became a nominee of the Brand of the Year in Russia 2024 Award
Фото: Грузовая Механика

The diploma was awarded to the brand following the results of the first stage as the winner of the highest league of the competition in the category "Tools and Materials"  

On July 11, a meeting of the brand club of the National Award "Brand of the Year in Russia 2024" was held in Moscow at the Start Hub on Red October. Sergey Vorotnikov, Head of the Center Division of the Cargo Mechanics Company, took part in the meeting. 

The event was held to support both existing and new emerging brands with an active position who want to contribute to the development of the Russian economy. Diplomas were awarded to the award nominees in various categories at the event. 

The Cargo Mechanics company represented the Sibtal brand of lifting equipment, which, following the results of the first stage, reached the final part of the award, where it became a nominee of the highest league of the competition in the category "Tools and Materials".

Sergey Vorotnikov thanked the organizers of the "Brand of the Year in Russia 2024" Award and noted: "The presentation of the diploma is a high assessment of the work of all employees of the Cargo Mechanics company. We will continue to develop our brand, use innovative solutions and technologies to create modern lifting equipment." 

The national award "Brand of the Year in Russia" promotes the development and promotion of Russian and foreign brands operating in Russia. The award originated in the difficult times of the pandemic crisis of 2020 and continued to develop during the period of mass withdrawal of foreign brands in 2022. 

As a result, it allowed us to form the main goals: Increasing consumer confidence and credibility in Russian and foreign brands in the Russian market; 

Support in the promotion of the best samples of products and services of Russian companies; 

Improving the quality and increasing the competitiveness of domestic products; Increasing the awareness of high-quality Russian goods and services.

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