Home / Press Releases / UiPath honored MMK's achievements in RPA software robotics
Home / Press Releases / UiPath honored MMK's achievements in RPA software robotics

UiPath honored MMK's achievements in RPA software robotics

Press Releases
At the beginning of March 2019, the conference "RPA DAY!" Was held in Moscow, dedicated to the technology of software roboticization of processes. The conference, organized by QIWI, was attended by about 140 people. The heads of RPA directions of large Russian and foreign companies were invited as speakers, who shared their successes and achievements in this area, and also discussed the problems of creating software robots.

The RPA and Innovation Competence Center was created at MMK-Informservice LLC ( company of PJSC MMK Group, which serves IT) in July 2018 and in September launched the first software robot at MMK. “The world experience we have studied in the use of robotization of business processes using RPA technology shows the high efficiency of this tool on the path of digital transformation of business, which is the basis for the implementation of the“ Industry 4.0 ”concept - the concept of strategic development of PJSC“ MMK ”, - said the director of LLC“ MMK- Informservice "Vadim Feoktistov.

In order to further develop and apply RPA technology, the MMK Group has implemented a project to diagnose business processes, which was carried out jointly with external consultants. As a result of the project, processes suitable for robotization were identified, recommendations were obtained for the modernization and expansion of the Competence Center. Software robots will be developed independently by the resources of the RPA Competence Center at MMK-Informservice LLC.

A brief history of the RPA Competence and Innovation Center creation was told at the conference by its head Mikhail Verisov. An important part of the report was information on the robotization of a cross-functional business process for paying for scrap metal supplies. Fourteen software robots are involved in this process - from parsing e-mail with documents from suppliers to the formation of documents in a client-bank. Digital workers use common software interfaces to do work instead of humans. Thus, they free up the working time of real people, which is used to perform more complex tasks that require direct human participation.

“In the MMK Group, I would like to note the choice of the right, from our point of view, strategic approach to the implementation of robotization. The implemented process for paying for scrap metal supplies is very complex and multi-step, involving several divisions within the MMK Group. We are very pleased that the specialists of the RPA Competence Center were able to quickly robotize it on their own and we believe in the further potential of our colleagues on the path of digitalization of the plant, ”said Artem Vinogradov, Sales Director, UiPath Russia.

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