Home / Press Releases / "Sibkabel" confirmed the high quality of technological processes
Home / Press Releases / "Sibkabel" confirmed the high quality of technological processes

"Sibkabel" confirmed the high quality of technological processes

Press Releases
"Sibkabel" confirmed the high quality of technological processes

Plant "Sibkabel" (included in the "holding Cable Alliance", uniting cable assets UMMC) passed the recertification audit of quality management system on conformity to requirements of international standard ISO 9001 and the Russian standard GOST R ISO 9001.

"Recertification of the quality management system for compliance with these standards is conducted every three years. In addition, each year it is necessary to confirm this correspondence," said quality engineer JSC "Sibkabel" Denmark Muksunova.

the Test has been in the 21st unit of the enterprise. Representatives of the certifying authority studied the regulatory documentation, the organization of production in each workshop, including the availability of equipment and technical re-equipment, storage of materials, availability of all necessary resources (financial, technological, personnel, etc.).

"Special attention was paid to the work with consumers. We appreciated the quality of products, timeliness of delivery, analysis of complaints and preparation of responses to them", - said the representative of the company-auditor Yuriy Pavlenko.

in Parallel, the company passed the inspection audit of the integrated management system for compliance with the international railway industry standard ISO/TS 22163.

the Existence of a certificate gives the company an advantage over competitors when bidding for contracts, the ability to supply products to foreign customers and the certification of products under the simplified scheme (without audit), which saves financial and human resources.
"the Successful audit confirms the high level of organization of all processes in the enterprise: from the production chain and multi-level control systems to managerial decisions and interact with consumers. For our partners is a more reliable guarantor of cooperation", - said Director of JSC "Sibkabel" Alexey Join.

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