About 90 BMK workers and employees of city organizations were practicing flood control skills.
According to the legend of the exercises, there was a sharp rise of the Belaya River, and when a large volume of water was discharged through the BMK hydraulic structure, part of the workshops of the plant and the nearby city territory were flooded. Metallurgists-rescuers promptly de-energized the electrical equipment of the "flooded" workshops, evacuated and provided first aid to the conditionally injured, connected to external hydrants of the workshops in case of fire suppression. Then the boats worked on rescuing a drowning man from the water.
“Despite the fact that all situations were conditional, the BMK services successfully coped with the difficult situation, acted clearly and in a coordinated manner. All this will allow not to get lost in real emergencies and minimize their consequences, "said Anton Lokotskov, head of the Unified Duty Dispatch Service of the Beloretsk District.
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