Home / Press Releases / Beloretsk has become a City of Labor and Glory
Home / Press Releases / Beloretsk has become a City of Labor and Glory

Beloretsk has become a City of Labor and Glory

Press Releases
The Beloretsk awarded the honorary title of "City of Labor Valor and Glory" Interstate Union of hero-Cities. The initiator for the nomination of the city to that title was made by Beloretsk metallurgical plant (JSC "BMK", included in the Group "Mechel") on behalf of the Council of veterans of the enterprise. The title is the highest form of public recognition of the labor heroism of the people in the struggle against the Nazi invaders.

the Initiative was timed to coincide with the 75th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war. The idea was supported by the administration and councils of the city and the district, the mining and metallurgical trade Union of Bashkortostan and Russia, the city organization of veterans of all the armed forces, honorary citizens of the city and all persons interested in the history of the region citizens.

"the work on the preparation of your application BMK on this title began a few years ago. We were sure that Beloretsk, like many cities of our country, where in the rear forged the Victory in the great Patriotic war, worthy of this title. Because belorezkiy metallurgical and steel wire and rope together with a number of factories evacuated from the Western and Central territories of the industrial enterprises have made an invaluable contribution to the Great Victory, having established in the first years of the war, the issue is strategically important for the front of products becoming essentially the center of the hardware industry of the USSR", – said General Director of JSC "BMK" Sergei Fedorov.

on 18 April 1942 by decree of the CPC Beloretsk steel wire and rope plant was declared a military enterprise. The plant was rated No. 706 and call "Pearl".

"We collected about 6 thousand signatures for the title, completed it with materials from the binder all the rooms "Beloretsky work" of 1941-1945, gathered an impressive package of documents. We were so worried that he sent from Beloretsk bulchi to Moscow by courier in the midst of a pandemic, do not come to the capital. The Committee will postpone the meeting for the title. But it's all good!", – commented the acting head of Beloretsky region Andrii ivaniuta.

a certificate of merit and standard of the awarding of the title plan to transfer to Beloretsk, in a solemn ceremony in July, when the city and the company will celebrate your birthday.

During the war Beloretskiy metallurgists mastered smelting 90 brands of stainless steel, rolled more than 15 brands of metal, staleprovolochno – producing dozens of kinds of steel wire ropes, significantly increasing the output. Also working Beloretsky plants were signed on military loans and collected money that went to the army. For example, with the participation of funds Beloretskij metallurgists in 1943 was built warplanes "Beloretsk metallurg", "Bashkir fighter" and "Komsomolets of Bashkiria".


Beloretsk metallurgical plant
office of public relations and information
Oksana Elections
Tel: +7-34792-569-80 EXT.: 672-30
E-mail: press@belmk.ru

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