In the process of technical re-equipment of the boiler house of the "Orenburg Radiator" (an enterprise of the machine-building complex of the UMMC), the transition to hot water equipment was carried out. Two steam boilers were dismantled and a new heat-and-power plant was purchased within the framework of the technical and financial plan. A hot-water boiler with a capacity of 3 MW will operate in the spring-summer period to close technological needs and provide hot water supply. The use of new equipment will reduce the consumption of fuel and energy resources. Economic efficiency will amount to RUB 1 million. The chief power engineer of the enterprise Mikhail Pankov noted that technical re-equipment allows to increase the efficiency of the boiler house and increase the level of reliability and safety of the heat supply system. - Previously, boilers were not automated, it was necessary to check devices throughout the boiler house. In the event of a breakdown of the steam equipment, a serious accident could occur. Now it has become easier and calmer to work, you select the mode on the control panel and control the operation of the boiler system units on the monitor, - the operator Svetlana Gromova told about her duties. Currently, the roof of the building has been repaired and the installation of water heating equipment is underway. According to the specialists of the power engineering department, the economic effect of the boiler operation will be achieved this summer.
Orenburg Radiator replaced heat supply equipment
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