Home / Press Releases / JSC "Uralelectromed" has increased the profitability of selenium production
Home / Press Releases / JSC "Uralelectromed" has increased the profitability of selenium production

JSC "Uralelectromed" has increased the profitability of selenium production

Press Releases
JSC "Uralelectromed" has increased the profitability of selenium production

In the chemical and metallurgical workshop of JSC Uralelectromed (an enterprise of the metallurgical complex of UMMC), the profitability of selenium production has increased due to the introduction of less energy-intensive equipment. So, in the technological chain at the solution filtration section, a 47.5 kW liquid-vacuum pump was installed, which consumes twice less electricity than the previous unit - a rotary water ring pump. The event was carried out as part of the development of the business system of the enterprise.

According to the head of the chemical and metallurgical department, Arsen Musin, this pump made it possible to increase energy efficiency at the selenium production site while maintaining all the parameters of the technological process. Savings in annual terms will amount to about 700 thousand rubles.

Obtaining selenium with a purity of 99.9% is a multi-stage process. Individual stages of the process are unique and developed by Uralelectromed specialists.

A new vacuum pump was installed at the stage of filtration of solutions. The pump creates a vacuum and selenium slurry that enters the suction filter, where it is filtered through a filter cloth. Then the filtered solutions enter the receiver and further along the technological chain to obtain the finished product.

Note that the liquid-vacuum pump has more compact dimensions than the previous unit, is more reliable in terms of wear resistance and operates with a vacuum up to up to 50 mbar.

Information: the chemical and metallurgical shop began its work in October 1934. In 2005, a selenium refining section with associated granulation and casting into ingots was put into operation. Selenium is registered in accordance with the European regulation on the safety of chemical products REACH.

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