Home / Press Releases / Implementation of employee ideas will bring Metalloinvest over 960 million rubles
Home / Press Releases / Implementation of employee ideas will bring Metalloinvest over 960 million rubles

Implementation of employee ideas will bring Metalloinvest over 960 million rubles

Press Releases

Metalloinvest has summed up the results of the second corporate competition "Idea Factory", which is held annually as part of the Company's Business System Development Program. At the end of 2019, employees submitted over 10.5 thousand ideas to the program. The approximate economic effect from the implemented measures exceeded 960 million rubles per year.

The winners of the competition are determined in 8 nominations, including the best economic effect, increase in production volumes, cost reduction, improve the quality of products and services, energy efficiency , replicability. The youngest innovator and the most active author of ideas are noted separately.

The main prize of the competition went to Dmitry Osipov, head of the sheet-rolling shop No.1 of Ural Steel. The expected effect of his proposed project to increase the productivity of the 2800 mill is estimated at 268 million rubles. The winners also included representatives of the Mikhailovsky, Lebedinsky mining and processing plants and the Oskol electrometallurgical plant.

“We see that we have a lot of active employees ready to come up with new ideas and innovations. You just need to hear them, help to get involved in this work, - said Vadim Romanov, Director of the Business System Development Department of Management Company Metalloinvest. - In 2018, a little over 6.8 thousand ideas were accepted into the program. The next year, this number increased by one and a half times. For nine months of 2020, we have already considered 13,000 proposals, which is almost 25% more than last year. "

The Business System is aimed at improving the efficiency of processes, promoting the values ​​of the Company, developing corporate culture and introducing new models of employee behavior. This allows the business to quickly adapt to changing conditions and successfully fulfill the tasks it faces.

"Idea Factory" helps to involve employees in the development of the Business System, organizes and supports the process of emerging new ideas, and motivates their authors.

The winners of the competition will receive cash prizes, and the main prize, a car, will be awarded in the category “Best Event with Economic Impact”.

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